Phil your virtual sound engineer

Fixes your audio in seconds !

Give viewers a better experience with better audio

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How good is Phil ?

Better sound mixing

Fix common issues with sound recording. Keep volumes in check between scenes, different microphones, or simply when recording multiple people

Clearer Voice

Using precise equalization and filtering, we bring your voice to the front. Making sure your message get's heard

Why Phil ?

40 year experience in the audio domain

Phil has worked in the FM radio business, designed audio amplifiers, automated audio systems, ...

Needless to say Phil has been there and done that.

Better audio = Better watch time.

Having a great camera and a good image is important, but if your audio has issues, viewers will not fully enjoy your videos and will leave.

No extra work

It's easy, just drag and drop your finished video in our uploader (or only the audiotrack), Phil will fix the sound and update your video file for you.
The image will be untouched, no recompression will be done, only the audio track will be changed.




Etiam ac convallis enim, eget euismod dolor.

  • Aenean quis
  • Morbi semper
  • Tristique enim nec


$24 /month

Morbi cursus ut sapien sit amet consectetur.

  • Everything in Free
  • Phasellus tellus
  • Praesent faucibus
  • Aenean et lectus blandit
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$72 /month

Phasellus ultrices bibendum nibh in vehicula.

  • Everything in Pro
  • Fusce sem ligula
  • Curabitur dictum
  • Duis odio eros
  • Vivamus ut lectus ex
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